Monday, January 5, 2009

Think Tank? Think Tank!

Foreign Policy does a Think Tank Index in its Jan/Feb issue. Think Tanks came on the political and social scene in the 1950's, filling roles that had traditionally been filled by a combination of the academy and government. The number of US think tanks has doubled since 1980. Even though I work at a think tank, I've had mixed feelings about the rise of such institutes because it often means a corollary decline in the public responsibility of the academy. I have also heard friends criticize think tanks as privatizing and commercializing the policy process. But contra these critics I believe the world of ideas - like the world of economics - is not a zero sum game: it is a world of absolute, not merely relative gains.

Foreign Policy's field guide differentiates between five types of think tanks: Policymakers, Partisans, Phantoms, Scholars and Activists. Canada has a polite h/t via 2 of the top 20 global think tanks: the Fraser Institute and the Canadian International Council. I suppose, like Pamela Anderson and Avril Lavigne, these are our think tank ambassadors, for better or worse.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the generous citation of my earlier film trailer.

In 25 years or so, let's hope another Tank of some repute will be on the list.

Adunare said...

And what a heart pounding action flick it was. Missed you - btw - O'O on the year's end. I, at least, began my new year weeping, hugging myself in a dark corner crying out for sweet O'O.