Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jubilee: Reflections


Mere blogs will not suffice to express the profound gratitude I have to have attended - even spoken - at this conference. Jubilee is - without reservation - the finest, most thoughtful and most enjoyable conference I have ever attended. It is remarkable not for its academic rigor (it is popular), or merely for the wide array of professionals and public intellectuals it draws, but for the confluence of passionate, remarkable, thoughtful and deeply pious people it gathers.

If there is one conference you make room for, which occupies a most sacred spot on your calendar in forthcoming years that you may not miss, let it be Jubilee. In it you will not (mercifully) find the fine minutia of your discipline, but rather gathering crowds of young and old to the vision that Christ is Lord over every square inch.

To put it simply it is the most authentically neo-Calvinist convention I've been to. I was expecting stock American evangelicalism! I was so shocked by the end of the first night I commented to my colleague that it was like "showing up to a party where you don't expect to know anyone, and it turns out they're all good friends with your mother."

I will save my most persuasive and effusive comments for personal conversations - but make plans in 2010 to go. You will not regret it.