Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Last Day of School

It's the last day of school - here come lip synching and ice cream trucks, writes Jennifer Gardy (from one of my favourite blogs). I finished my last bit of teaching for the year on Tuesday night, with a mixture of relief and nostalgia. Where to go from here? Jennifer writes,

[O]nce the undergrads have left for their summer jobs, for their hometowns, and for their European backpacking adventures, the faculty and staff that are left behind pull a Tom Cruise in Risky Business. With no one to answer to, it's pants-less lip-synching from now 'til September, baby... Our department even brings in an ice cream truck once every summer to dispense free treats outside the building...

Obviously I teach at the wrong school. Many professors where I come from would decry this sort of thing, partly because it's a debasement of academia but mostly because they don't get invited to those kinds of parties.


Q Prentice said...

I just finished my final paper a few short minutes ago. I am now sitting here minus my pants, eating a large bowl of chocolate chunk ice cream.