Mary Neumeier maintains a great (and free!) online resource called Neutron which deals with marketing and business strategy issues. In addition to his day job, Neumeier has also written a couple of very visual books on brand development - The Brand Gap and Zag. I recommend both.
Anyway. His last newsletter had ten problem/response style resolutions to help you with your business woes in 2o09. Here they are:
2008 Problem
2009 Resolution
Overcoming reduced budgets
Protecting profit margins
Safely extending brands
Repositioning the company
Fostering broad-based loyalty
Finding profitable new markets
Predicting returns on innovation
Increasing brand efficiency
Collaborating across silos
Each of the resolutions link to their article and I'd recommend spending a few minutes skimming the ones that interest. I think resolution #1 is especially sage and shouldn't be reserved for times of recession.
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